Thursday 20 April 2017

Lord Neminath Background

By the time of Mahabharat some socio-political and religious conditions in India had deteriorated. Ethical values, e.g. standards of restraints, monogamy etc. which were set up during Ramayan period, had been neglected. Polygamy was almost the order of the day and some rulers and men of means used to marry as many wives as they could afford. Even the old people with grown up sons did not hesitate to marry young girls. There were also cases of polyandry. Rulers were getting powerful. They were maintaining large armies and used to wage wars for expanding their territories.

Jarasangh, the king of Magadh was the most powerful king. He was aspiring to become the lord of the entire Bharatkhand. Most of the other rulers vied with each other for his favor. There were also tyrant kings like Kans who could show utmost cruelty to the persons suspected of being against his interests. Hunting was the favorite pastime of warrior class and gambling was considered respectable game. Animals were sacrificed on the altar of religious rites and non-vegetarianism had become popular. It was the right time for a great saint to come forth and teach religion afresh.

Yadav clan had mostly settled on the bank of Yamuna. Mathura and Shauripuri in the present western Uttar Pradesh were their major centers of concentration. Yadav prince Samudravijay was ruling over Shauripuri, his wife’s name was Shivadevi. They had a son named Nemikumar, who was born sometimes before Mahabharat. He was the future Jina Lord Neminath. When he was in the womb of his mother, she had dreamt of series of black jewels called Arishta. Therefore he is also known as Arishtanemi. Neminath was a cousin and close associate of Shri Krishna.

Like Shri Krishna, Nemikumar too was dark complexioned, but handsome and charming. Many girls were attracted towards him. Nemikumar was however introvert and did not develop much attachment for the worldly life. He stayed more introspective as he was inclined towards spiritual life.
At that time, Ugrasen was the king of Junagadh which is situated at the foot of Mount Girnar in Saurashtra. By his wife Dharini he had a daughter who was named Rajimati. She was popularly known as Rajul. She grew to be a very beautiful and graceful young girl. Many princes and other promising youths were eager to marry her.

When she came to know of Nemikumar, she got enamored of him and desired to marry him. Ugrasen thereupon sent the offer of her marriage to Nemikumar. This was a welcome proposal for Yadav chiefs. With considerable efforts, friends and family members of Nemikumar therefore persuaded him to accept the offer. Everyone was happy by his acceptance since Nemikumar and Rajul could make an ideal couple. The two were then officially engaged and a mutually convenient auspicious day was fixed for their wedding ceremony.

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